Donnerstag, 20. November 2014

What is exchange?

Ich habe einen Text gefunden der wirklich zu 101% meine Gedanken wiederspiegelt. Als ich es gelesen hab, dachte ich nur: "Genau so ist es!".

Exchange is change: Rapid, brutal, beautiful, hurtful, colorful, amazing, unexpected, overwhelming and most of all a constant change. Change in yourself, lifestyle, country, food, language, friends, parents, school, houses, simply everything.
Exchange is going from thinking: you know who you are, to having no idea who you are
Exchange is being someone new but not entirely new. You are still the person you were before but you jumped into the ice cold lake, having no idea what to expect. You are growing up and becoming more independent and outgoing. But it is not a bad thing for you; you are feeling older and more responsible for a lot of things you and other people are doing.
Exchange is being on your own; far away from home, far away from your family and your confidence zone. No one you really know. No one you can talk to. But soon you will find out that it changes. You can actually do it. Being and living without your family for 10 months. You learned so much. How to handle certain things and/or how to deal with your problems.
Exchange is learning to trust. Learning to trust people, who, at first, are only names on a piece of paper, trusting that they want the best for you, trusting them that they care. Trusting yourself that you have the strength to endure a year on your own, endure a year of being apart from everything that mattered to you before. Trust that you will have friends. Trust that everything is going to be alright. And it is seeing this trust being justified.
Exchange is thinking. Thinking about everything, all day, every day. Thinking about those strange costumes, the strange food, the strange language. About why you are where you are and not back home. About how your family and friends are dealing with you being away for so long. About how it is going to be like once you come back home. How your friends are going to react. About how stupid this whole time-zone thing is.
Thinking about what’s right and what’s wrong. About how stupid or rude you just were to someone without meaning to be. About the point of being an exchange student. About the sense of life. About who you want to be, what you want to do. And about the next US History Test, even though you’re grades don’t really count.
Exchange is people. Those incredibly strange people, who look at you like you are an alien. Those people who are too afraid to talk to you. And those people who actually talk to you. Those people who know your name, even though you have never met them. Those people who talk about you behind your back, those people who make fun of you and your country. Those people who don’t understand why you are there, why you are without your family and why you are who you are. And those people who invite you to their homes. Who are keeping you save. Who became your new friends.
Exchange is music. New music, weird music, cool music, music you will remember all your life as the soundtrack of your exchange. Music that will make you cry because all those lyrics express exactly how you feel, so far away. Music that will make you feel like you could take on the whole world. And it is music you make. With the most amazing musicians you’ve ever met.
Exchange is sport. It is being a part of the team. Practicing every day until you are ready to fall asleep but still giving 100%. It is trying something new. It is being successful. Sticking to your old sport and falling in love again. It is exactly what you wanted.
Exchange is uncomfortable. It is feeling out of place, like a fifth wheel. It is talking to people you don’t like. It is trying to be nice all the time. It is homesickness, it is awkward silence and its feeling guilty because you didn’t talk to someone at home. Or it is feeling guilty because you are missing something because you were talking on Skype.
Exchange is great. It is feeling the connection between you and your host parents. It is being a part of a new family. It is knowing in which cupboard the peanut butter is. It is meeting people from all over the world. It is having fun. It is cooking food from your home country and not messing it up. It is sharing your story and presenting your country. It is seeing beautiful new landscapes. It is the best experience in your life. It is learning to appreciate some things differently.
Exchange is falling in love with your new (second) life. With all the people you have met: your host family, your friends, your teachers and the country, pretty much everything.
Exchange is realizing that you are the only one who decides how good or bad your day is going to be. Everybody has a bad day but you can decide how bad it is. Think about how much longer you have and then decide if it is worth to throw the day away.
Exchange is frustrating. Life is not perfect and you will notice it. You probably won’t find a month without making a decision you don’t like. You think about ‘why am I here? I just want to go home.’ But that is okay, it is normal, it is a part of your experience.
Exchange is (probably) the best year of your life so far. It is so much new stuff. Something you never dreamed off. Something you have never seen and/or done.
Exchange is enjoying the short time you have. Making the best out of it; it will never be the same because people are constantly changing. Enjoying every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute, every second; Simply everything.
Exchange is realizing that you always have to leave one of your two lives behind.
Exchange is crying without a reason and laughing at the same time.
Exchange is so hard to define.
It is something that nobody can take away from you. Something that no one will ever truly understand. Something that you can’t just show it in pictures. Something that you have to live. An experience that is unbelievable.
Exchange is something you will never forget, something that will always be a part of you and your life.
Exchange is everything. It is not a year in your life! No, it is a life in a year. It is something you can’t understand unless you’ve been through it!

Bis dann!
Christina ♥

Sonntag, 16. November 2014


Am 14. und 15. November hatten wir ein Musical an unserer Schule - gespielt von Schülern meiner High School. Das Musical hieß "Bye Bye Birdie" und es war einfach total schön!

Ich war in der Musical Crew und hab bei Tickets & Intermission mitgeholfen. Am Freitag Abend haben ich erst mit paar anderen Programme beim Einlass verteilt und Tickets eingenommen. Und während der Pause haben wir Intermission gemacht- d.h. wir haben Cookies und Hot Apple Cider (richtig lecker *-*) an die Zuschauer verteilt. Am Samstag Abend hab ich dann Tickets verkauft.

die Tickets & Intermission Crew

Taylor, Joanna & Ich 
Programme verteilen

Die Handlung
Der Musikstar Conrad wurde eingezogen und muss nun seinem Land dienen. Das verstört nicht nur all seine weiblichen Fans, sondern auch seinen Songwriter Albert Peterson, der damit seinen Ruin entgegen sieht. Dabei wollte er nur genügen Geld verdienen, um sich mit seiner Assistentin und Geliebten Rosie DeLeon ein eigenes Leben aufzubauen. Diese hingegen sieht noch eine Hoffnung darin, wenn Peterson für Birdie einen Song schreibt, der bei der Ed Sullivan Show aufgeführt und anschließend ein Hit wird. Es soll sich dabei um One Last Kiss handeln, bei dem Birdie nach seinem Gesang eine schöne junge Frau küsst. Diese Frau wird auch schnell mit Kim McAfee aus Sweet Apple, Ohio gefunden. Obwohl ihr eigentlicher Freund Hugo voller Eifersucht ist, freut sich Kim, ihren Schwarm und Lieblingsstar Birdie vor einem Millionenpublikum küssen zu dürfen. Zwar lässt sich Hugo von Kim überzeugen, dass das gut sei, aber nachdem er sieht, wie überschwänglich und ekstatisch Birdie in seiner Stadt empfangen wird, keimt in ihm neue Eifersucht auf.
Kims Vater Harry will nun nicht mehr, dass sie von Birdie geküsst wird, weswegen er es verbietet. Schnell schreiten Albert und Rosie ein, um dies zu verhindern. Zwar können sie ihn überzeugen, aber nun will Hugo es verhindern. Aber auch sie versichert ihm, dass egal, was passiert er immer der einzige Junge für ihn sei. Und nachdem nun alles in der Probe klappt, kommt doch noch die Hiobsbotschaft, dass Birdie nicht auftreten darf, da man die Gelegenheit eines Auftrittes des Moscow Ballet erhielt. Nachdem Albert erfolglos versuchte, doch noch seine anderthalb Minuten für Birdies Auftritt zu bekommen, ist er so niedergeschlagen, dass er nur noch Alkohol kennt. Aber Rosie will nicht aufgeben und heckt mit Albert einen Plan aus, wie man mit seinen biochemischen Kenntnissen eine Droge mixt, dass der Dirigent des russischen Orchesters so schnell spielt und die Zeit des Balletts somit reduziert. Der Plan klappt und Birdie darf die restliche Zeit spielen. Der mögliche Hit und das ganze Geld ist zum Greifen nahe. Aber Hugos Eifersucht packt ihn, sodass er auf die Bühne rennt und Birdie K.O. schlägt. Dadurch wird die Aufzeichnung ein Desaster. Aber Albert und Rosie schauen dennoch optimistisch in die Zukunft, hat er doch seine Liebe in ihr gefunden und mit seinen biochemischen Fähigkeiten genug Talent, um woanders sein Geld zu verdienen.

Alle Schauspieler meiner Schule

Bis dann!
Christina ♥

Sonntag, 2. November 2014

10 Dinge die ich an Deutschland vermisse...

  1. an erster Stelle meine Familie!
  2. und natürlich meine Freunde
  3. München und meinen Heimatsort
  4. Umarmungen zu bekommen
  5. die Unabhängigkeit ohne Auto irgendwo hinzufahren - einfach mal in die Stadt mit der S-Bahn fahren zu können 
  6. deutsches Essen - vor allem einfach mal gescheites Brot, aber ich bin echt froh dass meine Gastfamilie selber frisch kocht 
  7. Mineralwasser! 
  8. die tollen Abende mit meinen Mädels
  9. shoppen zu gehen ohne weit weg fahren zu müssen (und ja seitdem ich hier bin war ich noch NICHT shoppen)
  10. Deutsch zu reden

Ja das sind 10 Dinge, die ich hier ziemlich vermisse :( aber naja in weniger als 9 Monaten hab ich sie wieder :)

Bis dann!
Christina ♥
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